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TechReach is a workshop presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.  This website contains the links and resources from that presentation.

You can download a PDF version of the TechReach workshop by clicking here.

Website Development

Explore Go Daddy to purchase the website address for your church's site by clicking here.

Explore Network Solutions for purchasing a web address by clicking here.

Explore Bravenet for website hosting and website tools by clicking here.

Explore Sharefaith for website hosting and art by clicking here.

Facebook (Social networking)

Get started on Facebook by clicking here.


Explore Word Press by clicking here.

Explore Blogger by clicking here.


Download the Audacity software for audio file editing by clicking here.

Convert audio files to mp3 files by clicking here.

Create a posterous site by clicking here.

Find a digital audio recorder by clicking here.

eNews / Electronic Newsletters

Explore Constant Contact by clicking here.