a Culture of Stewardship
it's the consistent question mark in the life of many churches. Do we talk about it too much? Do we talk about it enough?
How do we talk about it without making people feel like they're being pumped for all they have? The Bible has a lot to say
about money, and if we're not addressing it well we're depriving our people—and our churches—of all that God has
for our lives, and our finances.
This 21-page resource, "Developing a Culture of Stewardship", is designed to
help you address the spiritual implications of money and create a church culture that values joyful, sacrifical giving.
Download the "Developing a Culture of Stewardship" training pack in PDF form by clicking here.
A Welcoming Church
Make sure the people who visit want to return. Equip your church leaders with these handouts that
will ehlpthem see how well theywelcome and nurture newcomers.
Download "A Welcoming Church" in PDF format by clicking here.
Growth Assessment Pack
pack features 8 quality assessment tools from the Spiritual Formation, Energy & Enthusiasm, and Knowing God Training Themes.
Use them with your team as a catalyst for moving their relationship with the Lord to the next level and be on your way to
having a healthier and more dynamic church. Each assessment conveniently fits on one page, so they're easy to print, copy
and hand out.
Download the "Spiritual Growth Assessment Pack" in PDF format by clicking here.
is inevitable in ministry: values clash, priorities don't align, stress levels rise, members disagree. This Survival Guide
will help you keep conflict healthy, learn from it, brace yourself for it, and grow spiritually not only in spite of it—but
because of it. With these skills in place, you can indeed begin to master conflict.
Download the "Mastering Conflict" Survival Guide in PDF format by clicking here.